martedì 18 dicembre 2012

First Evaluation Questionnaire for students

TASK FOR STUDENTS involved in the project.

Please, complete the Evaluation Questionnaire and submit it.
The link is available on

DEADLINE 31st December 2012

FIRST EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS Please use the given scale to indicate the overall rating of the following questions

Do you think there has been good communication between students, from the beginning of the project up to now?
  • excellent
  • good
  • fair
  • poor

How much did you like sending/getting postcards to know your partners at the beginning of the project?
  • excellent
  • good
  • fair
  • poor

How much do you feel involved in the project?
  • excellent
  • good
  • fair
  • poor

In your opinion, which communication tools are useful to the project? You can tick more than one answer.
  • e-mail
  • skype
  • facebook
  • school weblog and website

Do you think that working in a team with students from different countries is useful to get you more involved in the project?
  • yes
  • partially
  • no

How much do you know about the countries of your partners?
  • excellent
  • good
  • fair
  • poor

Do you think it is advantageous to be accommodated in the families of the foreign students
  • yes
  • partially
  • no

Do you think that the presentation of a famous writer was useful to know the partners’ literature?
  • yes
  • partially
  • no

Do you think that the workshop for the creation of the logo has given good results?
  • yes
  • partially
  • no

Do you feel you are democratically involved in the voting of the logo?
  • yes
  • partially
  • no

How were you and your classmates selected to go to Sofia ?
  • Teachers' choice but you can't say exactly how
  • Teachers' choice thanks to good results at school
  • Voluntary participation
  • other

First Evaluation Questionnaire for Teachers

TASK FOR TEACHERS involved in the project.

Please, complete the Evaluation Questionnaire and submit it .The link is available on

FIRST EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS Please use the given scale to indicate the overall rating of the following questions

domenica 16 dicembre 2012

Photos of the meeting in Sofia

Click HERE to see the photos of the meeting posted on the Bulgarian blog dedicated to the project and look for more on fb group YEWS for students

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

Logo Competition

Teachers and students, please vote for the logo of the project on yews for students. Choose the one you like best and simply write the number on your post.

sabato 8 dicembre 2012


28th Nov - 3rd Dec


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 
Arrival at Sofia airport and transfer to the Bulgarian families for the students and to the hotel for the teachers

Working Sessions

Thursday 29.11. First day at 
88th school

Welcoming meeting - teachers and students
Visit of labs and classes
A lesson on European writers in the multimedia lab: Presentations of the most famous authors - Giacomo Leopardi by Italian students, Nazim Hikmet by Turkish students, Guy de Maupassant by French students and Geo Milev from Bulgarian students.
Students workshop : logo, illustration, clips and presentation of their works

Group 1 -  
Marinella BG - Elena IT
Juliana BG - Rachel FR
Evgeni BG - Sefa TR

Group 2
Iveta BG - Hannah FR
Elena BG - Banu TR
Ioan BG - Matteo IT

Group 3 
Dalia BG - Noee FR
Iliana BG - Martina IT
Peter BG - Enes TR

Group 4
Tsvetelin BG - Noah IT
Kalina BG - Hatice TR
Victor BG - Quentin FR

Group 5
Victoria Ts.BG-Alice FR
Julia BG -Beyza TR
Simeon BG - Andrea IT

Group 6
Simona BG-Yasmina FR
Stanislav BG-Giorgio IT
Ivana BG - Busra TR

Group 7
Nikoleta BG-Melody FR
Angel BG - Mehmed TR
Gabriela BG-Alessia IT

Group 8
Georgi BG-Piergiacomo IT
Victoria P.BG-Manon FR

giovedì 6 dicembre 2012

lesson on Giacomo Leopardi

to see the power point presentation of the lesson on GIACOMO LEOPARDI prepared by the Italian students for the meeting in Sofia- Bulgaria

domenica 25 novembre 2012


This is the programme of the meeting in Sofia.........Ready to leave guys?

Wednesday 28.11
Partners’ Arrival
Guests Reception at school
Walking tour around the 88th School
Work session
Official meeting at Mayor's Office
Work session
Cultural Programme
Bus and walking tour in Sofia
  • St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral
    • Sofia University
    • The National Assembly
    • The Russian Church
  • The Roman Remains
  • Rotonda St. George
Cultural Programme
Visit to the town of Plovdiv
Partners’ Departure
Work session
Work session
School concert

sabato 24 novembre 2012

First Comenius Meeting: SOFIA

The Headmaster, three teachers and eight students are going to Sofia from November 28th to December 3rd for the first Project Meeting in Sofia.
The students will be hosted by Bulgarian students and will meet their French and Turkish partners too. 
They have made a power point presentation about Giacomo Leopardi for the lesson on European writers to be held in Sofia.
Here is the list of the  students, hosts and guests.

Host Student (First Name Family Name)

Guest ( First Name Family Name)
1. Iliana Krusteva BG

Martina Manfredi IT
2. Ioan Kardjilov BG

Matteo Palazzo  IT
3. Simeon Hristov BG

Andrea Fiesole IT
     4. Gabriela Georgieva BG

Alessia  Timo IT
5. Georgi Mihailov BG

Piergiacomo Cirfera IT
   6. Stanislav Ivanchev BG

Giorgio Nestola IT
      7. Marinella Horozova BG

Elena Lefons IT
     8.Tsvetelin Dimitrov BG

Noah Sacco IT

sabato 27 ottobre 2012

First contacts

October 2012
Let's get acquainted with our partners

The students involved in the project get in touch with their partners via a Facebook group called YEWS for Students.
They have also decided to send one another some postcards of their own town

venerdì 14 settembre 2012


I. Topic: Intercultural dialogue through art and creative writing.
The whole project is based on European culture heritage. It encourages young Europeans to discover what they can share and learn from the others through concrete tasks in connection with art.

II. Main focus: the final product is in an ebook of short stories written & illustrated by students, based on shared artistic sources and selected during reading sessions by pannels of readers.

Artistic sources are chosen according to four different areas:
Year 1: Photography & Painting
Year 2: Sculpture & Literature

III. Joint activities
1. Partners visit art galleries in their countries or during meetings to find inspiration & discover the artistic heritage of partner countries.
2. They are asked to make research on the sources they have chosen & are encouraged to communicate about their research on a dedicated blog - the Book of Knowledge (messages, PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio documents, etc)
3. They are in charge of organizing reading & debating sessions when they welcome partner teams at home.
During these sessions, students have to select the best short stories according to different criteria (chosen by students). Debates are led in English.
4. The panels of readers reward the selected short stories during awards ceremonies, which they also organize.

IV. Results:
1. The awarded short-stories are incorporated into an ebook designed & illustrated by partners & published on the eTwinning Twinspace & other sites.
2. The photos taken during awards ceremonies are published on a dedicated blog - the Hall of Fame- and students are invited to post comments.
3. A tool blog - the Creative Writing Workshop - is created in order to provide resources to teach & implement creative writing in class.

Project Objectives

1. Cultural objectives:
- Allowing students and teachers to discover, understand and appreciate the culture of the partners through activities related to art and creative writing.
- Identifying, describing and reflecting on one's own cultural and artistic heritage and identity,
- Discovering similarities and differences between each of the cultures of the participants (students and teachers),
- Breaking mental barriers through exploring the other countries' cultures and artistic heritage,
- Bridging the gap between the different cultures and extracting the European dimension.

2. Communication objectives
- Developing a continuous dialogue between partners and enhancing the communication skills of project participants, through interactive and interdependent activities.

3. Social objectives:
- Enhancing students’ understanding of democracy by involving them equally in the activities,
- Implementing and promoting the Living Values of responsibility and respect,
- Developing empathy between young Europeans and European teachers through real cooperation,
- Preventing school failure and exclusion by using a creative approach and meaningful education,
- Developing organizational skills through planning and management of events in connection with the project.

4. Linguistic objectives:
- Developing English language skills, both written and oral, at level B1 and B2 (CEFRL) through writing activities and intensive oral communication.

5. Practical objectives:
- Developing students’ and teachers’ ICT skills. Throughout the project, students and teachers will use virtual learning environments and ICT-tools such as collaborative blogs, social networks, ebook makers.

6. Pedagogical objectives:
- Placing the institutional practice of writing in English in a challenging situation
- Encouraging creativity and imagination
- Educating the taste of writing to increase the joy of reading
- Writing in order to be read
- Completing the rational and analytical study of literature through intuitive creation
- Acquiring formal knowledge (stylistic, lexical, grammatical, editorial, etc.)
- Developing learning and teaching strategies transferable to other situations of communication.

Key Competences
Communication in foreign languages  
Cultural awareness and expression  
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship  
Digital competence  
Learning to learn Social and civic competences