lunedì 28 gennaio 2013

Five good reasons to write

Writing is a conversation with yourself, with your future reader. It is a way to show your personal vision of the world. You can also create characters who come alive in your imagination or you can try on different lives, become a different person for a while, transport yourself to another place or time. Your writing can move people, make them feel intense emotions. 
So write......
to express yourself
to entertain yourself
to keep yourself company
to live other lives
to touch other people

domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Participants in the Project Meeting in Sofia VIDEOS

The Bulgarian, French, Italian and Turkish students who took part in the Project Meeting in Sofia introduced themselves in these videos. 
Click HERE

mercoledì 9 gennaio 2013

Results of the questionnaires

Click HERE to read the results of the Evaluation Questionnaire for Students.

Click HERE to read the results of the Evaluation Questionnaire for Teachers
Thanks for your answers

martedì 1 gennaio 2013